Sunday, June 25, 2006


No, I'm not traumatized by the PB election, nor anything of the sort. I've just been crazy busy for the last week. I'm trying to put in a little extra time right now because I'll be out of the office Weds-Sat this week, plus I have to get ready for the ordinations and wedding themselves. Also, living with my parents, while wonderful, takes up more time than living by myself. We've been to a ball game, driven out to my cousin's engagement party (finally - they've been dating for six years), hosted my brother's financial advising welcome event, etc. So when I have had a couple of minutes, they've mostly been devoted to laundry, ironing, cooking, or sleeping.

As to my last post - I'd been highly concerned about how Bishop Jefferts Schori had gotten elected, based on things I'd heard from various sources around Convention the previous couple of days. In the days since, it's become pretty clear to me that the bishops responded to her capacity, leadership, maturity, and clear-headedness rather than pushing for a particular agenda (either right or left), though it's entirely possible that was an element also. I'm still slightly concerned about international ramifications, but mostly I'm just very pleased at their choice.


Ecgbert said...

I'd been highly concerned about how Bishop Jefferts Schori had gotten elected, based on things I'd heard from various sources around Convention the previous couple of days. In the days since, it's become pretty clear to me that the bishops responded to her capacity, leadership, maturity, and clear-headedness rather than pushing for a particular agenda (either right or left), though it's entirely possible that was an element also. I'm still slightly concerned about international ramifications, but mostly I'm just very pleased at their choice.

Our obviously different theologies and churchmanships aside I question that: from what I read it seems that Mrs J-S is rather young for the job, never was the rector of a parish, is the ordinary of a small and unimportant diocese (granted, my fave Quincy is the smallest!) and doesn't have an actual doctorate, only an honorary one. Like Barbara Harris she's an under-qualified affirmative-action choice, picked also for her outrageousness (the liberalism that is the house theology) as a deliberate statement - flipping the bird - to the Anglican Communion. Except for some hedging/back-tracking at the end ('we'll try not to consecrate any more gay bishops, honest') all this, along with the new posturing as a world church unto itself, seems to say the Episcopal Church is bracing itself for leaving/being asked to leave the Anglican Communion.

After that I predict it will merge with the other liberal mainline Protestant denominations. The ELCA concordat and the recent recognition of Methodist orders point the way, ¿no?

Ecgbert said...
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Ecgbert said...

Every now and then Blogger's RSS feeds bring up months-old entries which is how I found this again. Seven months on I'm not 'in love with' my own tone here but most of the statements stand. Except one: I now know that Dr Jefferts-Schori has not only a D.D. but an earned doctorate in oceanography.