Monday, April 19, 2004

If I had comments, and if people knew I had a blog, I would ask this question:

Why bother to allow signatures at all if you're going to limit a signature to 100 characters? I mean of course internet signatures, on things like email or the Indigo Girls bulletin board, not the official kind you put on your plastic cards. Those shouldn't be more than 100 characters, really. But the internet kind should really be long enough to allow a decent quotation.

For instance, if a post here only allowed 100 characters, all I would have in this one is:

If I had comments, and if people knew I had a blog, I would ask this question:

Why bother to allow signatures at all if you

That is very little indeed. I am glad, blog, that you do not have a character limit on your posts. Though I believe that if I had comments, there would be a limit of 1000 characters per comment. If I did, I would ask someone like Ryan to confirm this. But I don't have comments.

And therefore, I will not ask either question.

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