Saturday, February 04, 2006

I give up.

The bookstore at McCormick doesn't have it yet. The bookstore here doesn't carry it. Amazon takes 2-4 weeks just to ship it. United Library says it was returned Thursday, but it's not at either Garrett or Seabury, in any of the several reshelving locations. I stop short of trundling from NU library to NU library tracking it down.

I think this qualifies as a good faith effort. I will complete the other two assigned readings and do my translation, and I will go to class Monday early enough to buy it from the bookstore then (assuming it's in by then) and skim the reading before class starts. That's just going to have to be enough.

(Unless, of course, one of you happens by sheerest chance to own a copy of the Abingdon commentary on Galatians by Sam K. Williams, and wants to make it appear in front of me before Monday.)

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