Wednesday, September 13, 2006

We interrupt this orientation obsession...

My preaching professor just pointed me to this comic strip from Sunday. Said it reminded him of me.


Anonymous said...

Did he happen to mention why? That's one of my favorite cartoons, but I really can't see you beaning an innocent bystander with a lamp...

Raisin said...

OK...I don't get it either! But thank God for Orientation Obsession interruptions!

Beth said...

I believe it was the "nomuttsde" - I sign emails with "namaste." At any rate, it was an email that prompted him to share it with me.

Jane Ellen+ said...

I do not recall any lamp-wielding in our suitemate tenure; though I can think of once or twice it might have been an effective way to vent...

However, the connections made by the aforementioned professor are not infrequently a mystery to me; so the fact that I don't get this one is not so very surprising.