Friday, March 18, 2005

this is the morning report...

gives you the long and the short...

As of right now, predicts that it will start raining here on Maundy Thursday and rain through until Easter, when the sun will come out. This will probably change between now and the weekend, but I think it's pretty darn cool. also tells me that it's 33 degrees out and feels like 23, with wind gusting. I'm perfectly willing to believe that it's 33 out, but I see very little movement in the trees. I'm thinking not so much on the gusting.

And regardless of these silly claims that it's cold today, I am sitting here in shorts - because it's not nearly cold enough to warrant the kind of radiator activity we're getting in the dorm.

Countdown: 5.5ish hours until Rory and Ryan arrive...

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