Thursday, January 05, 2006


No, I don't mean me (that's not news), nor this post (unlikely to happen). I mean my patience today.

That's had its upside:

~I finally stopped ignoring my confusion about postmodernism. (That sounds more confessional in tone than I intended, but I'm not fixing it.) Since I got to seminary, it seems every other class and every other reading assignment mention postmodernism, but some mean it more narrowly than others, and they often contradict each other, so that I don't know anymore what counts in a reasonably restricted definition (i.e., not just anything said/written/thought in the last 20 years). I'm hoping to fix that now.

~I've been more efficient than usual, thereby accomplishing more than usual during the day.

~I've been impatient even with my usual lack of motivation to do things, also contributing to a productive day.

But it's also had its downside:

~When I get impatient in the way I was today, I engage poorly in discussions about oppression, especially when it gets to feeling personal. That meant that in today's ethics class discussion about feminist theology, liberation theology, dynamics of oppression, difference and otherness, etc., I alternated between wanting to crawl in a hole and never deal with any of it again or wanting to rip heads off.

~It's usually less than helpful when I get impatient with my own feelings - particularly when I get impatient with my own impatience.

I think we're itching for a fit of honesty soon. Be ye warned.


Anonymous said...

So, my short, postmodern feminista, when wilt thou speak up?!

Susie/Nueva Cantora said...

not that you need more reading right now... but "Truth is Stranger Than It Used to Be" by Middleton & Walsh was a helpful read on the postmodern stuff.

Jane Ellen+ said...

Say what's on your mind, sis. All things considered, more honesty is better. Stand and deliver!

geebrooke said...

On the postmodernism thing, my biggest helps were AKMA's What is Postmodern Biblical Criticism and Jonathan D. Culler's Literary Theory: a Very Short Introduction. The former was helpful in its clarifying remarks about modernism, the latter in explaining what's been happening in terms of literary criticism borrowing methods from cultural studies, and cultural studies borrowing methods from literary criticsm. Very enlightening (pun not intended, thank heaven).